It’s September so time to bring on all of the Halloween stuff! You know you’ve seen them, and not-s0-secretly wished you had come up with that awesome baby costume idea yourself. Sit back and check out these baby costumes that are too cute for words. But I’ve got to warn you.. these pics may make you want to borrow someone else’s baby just so you can dress them up.
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Giggly Goldfish Costume
Being a goldfish is a tough business to get into. Being that cute with big bubbly eyes isn’t for every baby. If your baby has what it takes to wear this Baby Goldfish Costume, then they just might be the cutest fish in the sea!
Lil Monkey Costume
We all like to monkey around and cause a little ruckus. This Lil Monkey is just too cute for words and will make your heart melt. Luckily for you, these monkeys won’t be hanging from your chandelier and stealing all your bananas! Well, maybe your bananas and your heart!
Baby Dinky Dragon Costume
In a far off land there is a baby dragon wanting to be a real boy. Now they can switch for the day and your little munchkin can be this adorable Dinky Dragon. Those wings might not be ready for flight just yet, but that smile is sure to melt a few hearts!
Baby Lil’ Garden Gnome Costume
Every garden needs its own gnome. If you have a baby hanging around your house, you might just have a baby gnome in disguise. This Baby Lil’ Garden Gnome Costume is sure to attract other gnomes to your garden. I bet they will bring good luck and cheer and help your garden grow.
Baby’s What A Hoot Owl Costume
Hoot Hoot! This What A Hoot Owl Baby Costume creates smiles wherever she may fly. Those feet though! OMG cuteness overload. I doubt your baby can walk in those big orange feet, but that’s why they have wings – so she can hoot around.
Baby Chef
Looking this cute in the kitchen is no easy task, but this Baby Chef costume makes it seem easy peasy. Add pots and pans with a couple spatulas and this baby chef will make a ton of cuteness all afternoon long. I would probably hide the flour though or you will be cleaning up that powder cloud for months to come!
Baby Lil’ Monster Costume
This Baby Lil’ Monster Costume is way too cute and not scary in the least for your little monster. I don’t know about you, but I just want to cuddle up this little monster and those cute-as-can-be horns. Nope, not scary at all lil’ monster!
Baby’s Dinky Dragonfly Costume
Dragonflies flit around the water and bring smiles to everyone they fly across. This Baby Dragonfly Costume is sure to do the same thing with those big, expressive eyes, and double wings. I’m not sure this costume could get any cuter… except that smile sure is contagious.
Baby’s Santa’s Lil’ Elf Costume
Having your own elf around the house could be a lot of fun! Never ending hot cocoa, they make their own toys, and they are always pint size. Kinda perfect if you ask me. Dress your baby as Santa’s Lil’ Elf and watch the transformation happen right before your very own eyes.