I’m so glad that you landed on this page. Because printables are a big part of my site, I am asked similar questions often. So, please refer to the bottom of this page for answers to frequently asked questions.
I have a ton of FREE printables for all of your needs. Everything from organization printables to printable gifts, I have you covered! If you need a fun road trip game for kids, check out my printables for kids section. Make sure to check out all of the great tools I have to offer. And all are free for you to print at home!
Find a calendar, a weekly cleaning schedule, and all other organizational printables here. I have everything from chore charts and cleaning schedules to printable recipe cards and budgeting pages.
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Looking for a cute gift or card for someone special. Here you will find a ton of great ideas for gifts and gift printables to match.
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These printables for kids are fun and colorful tools to help them with chores, organization, and fun. Coloring pages, jokes, chore charts, and more.
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And if you are looking for something festive to celebrate your favorite holiday, my holiday printables will have what you need.
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What kind of printer do you have and recommend for printing Printables?
Over the years, I have had several types of printers. You name it, I’ve tried it. I prefer the most inexpensive printer with the least expensive ink. I love color laser printers, but they are it’s not always the most practical for family use. Use whatever printer you already have. I’m currently using an HP 8610.
How do I open printables?
All printables are PDF files. When you click on the link, it should pop up automatically. If it doesn’t, you need to install Adobe Reader.
Would you mind changing a printable for me? Just making one little thing different? Use this color instead of that one?
I make universal designs that will appeal to the majority. Because of the number of requests I receive, I am not able to make changes.
Can you tell me what fonts you used in your printable?
I am a fontaholic with over 1,000 in my font book. Unfortunately I can’t answer each email about what fonts I use, but the fonts I used are likely in the Font section of my site.
I’m flattered that you like what I’ve shared! You are allowed to print and use any of them from your home for your personal use. They are not for commercial purposes. If you’d like to share on Facebook, Pinterest, etc, I’d love for you to pass on an image from the post that features it (not the printable itself) with the proper credit. And please always link to me and the specific post that it came from.