I was compensated for this post by the maker of OxiClean, but all opinions are my own. I am beyond thrilled to work with a company I absolutely love!
I have been a baseball mom for years. My youngest son, Drew, was practically born with a baseball in his hand. He started playing when he was 4 years old and then joined a travel team a couple of years later.
Drew’s team has played A LOT of baseball. Last year alone, they played 100 games between December and August. Watching them play is one of my favorite things to do. They have had ups and downs over the years but through it all, we have remained a tight knit group. We are like one big family. All of the hard work came together last summer when they won the PONY World Series in Youngsville, Louisiana.
The one thing that I don’t love about being a baseball mom? All of the laundry that comes with it. People ask me all of the time what I use to get Drew’s baseball pants white and for years it’s been OxiClean Versatile Stain Remover. I jumped at the chance to work with the maker of OxiClean to share a little bit about our baseball family and how I use the products every week!
A film crew came in and put together this video that sums things up just right:
Not only can you see the love we have for each other, but you can also see how truly messy things can get! Isn’t that life though? There’s love, there’s mess and everything in between.
The boys had a blast on set:
It was awesome to see everything come together. Working as a team, helping each other out and laughing along the way!
How do you get through the messy times in your life?