It’s a busy time of year but the best time to clear out the clutter before Christmas! Here’s why….
This post was originally shared from Organizing Made Fun.
As an organizing expert, I have come to know Christmas time as the best time to get parent and kid clutter out for many reasons.
1. End of year tax write off.
I don’t know about you, but every little bit can help to write off. If you haven’t used it all year, chances are you won’t need it all next year. So, donate to your favorite charity and get a tax write off to boot!
2. Room for new things – one in one out rule!
It’s great to get new things. I love new things! But, I have a rule – it’s one in, one out! It’s even better if you can do 2 or 3 out and nothing in, but at least for clothes and presents, that’s our motto! Our kids know that they must clear out clutter before their Christmas and birthdays in their rooms, or they can’t have anything new since it won’t fit!
3. Motivation for your New Year’s Resolution to get organized!
If you’ve been thinking that THIS is the next year you really want to get organized, why not start NOW? There is no rule you have to wait until January 1st! If you see something, start organizing 15 minutes a day.
4. Teach your kids that “things” aren’t as valuable as people.
No doubt, most of our kids have WAY too much. Show them by giving away YOUR things and encourage them to give their unused or outgrown toys to children who need them or to charities. Perhaps you know children that you can pass them down to?
5. Start giving gifts that are less clutter and more purposeful.
I’m not saying that giving gift cards to everyone is the answer, but it’s okay to give experiences instead of stuff that clutters things up. Why must a gift be something we hold or set on a shelf or wear? Why not give a gift to take them somewhere or spend time with them? An experience is sometimes the best memory of the person that gave them the gift than one that collects dust.
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Have you thought about clearing out some of your clutter before Christmas? What’s the first thing you’ll clear out?