Make 2020 the year that you get (and stay) organized. This all inclusive binder will help you do just that!
What seems like a million years ago (but really only about 4 1/2 years ago) I shared my first binder post. That was the start of a binder obsession. I’ve since created over 20 posts related to binders. I even had a blog friend use a picture of my binders during a conference talk to have people guess whose branding it was and was floored (and flattered) when people guessed it was mine. I guess by this point people know they can come to me for all things binder related. Yay!
Awhile ago I decided that it was time to put all of the designs from over the years in one spot. Instead of people having to go from post to post, they could go to one link and download over 120 pages! So I got to work. I redesigned and made everything match just so. I added some new stuff to what I had already made. And today I’m here to tell you about it. Introducing – the 2020 All Inclusive Binder. I’m so excited about it. I think you’ll love it. You can download, push print and put it together for the most comprehensive binder ever.
In it you will find these sections:
- Planning
- Family
- Emergency
- Always Prepared
- Budgeting
- Cleaning
- Medical
- Recipes
- Get Healthy
- Travel
- Auto Maintenance
- Babysitter Co-Op
There’s a calendar, to do lists, cleaning lists, family info, budgeting, medical records, favorite recipe section, recipe cards, food journals, and everything you’d need for when you need to go away. Plus a whole lot more. For this year’s update, I added intro sections, a few extras that weren’t in there before and redesigned it. If you want to get just the 2020 calendar, you can get that here.
This binder is a standard size – it fits paper size 8.5″ x 11″ in it.
Note: Like all of my binders and printables, this is a digital product only. Nothing physical will be sent to you.
People ask me a bunch for advice on what they need for my binders. If you are looking for the binder and supplies, here are some that I have used and love-
The Basics:
The Extras:
- 3 Hole Punch
- Laminator– check out my laminator post & see why I think everyone should have one!
- Laminating pouches
- Binder Clips
- Favorite Pens
I’ve found products at Target, Walmart, all office supply stores too. I just like the comfort of ordering from home or on my phone and having it delivered to me within 2 days instead of driving around trying to find what I want. And sometimes I can find things specifically online that I can’t at stores.
Can your printables be modified?
Hi Sarah- they are editable PDFs. So if you have a program (ie – Adobe Reader) to change them, add to them… then go for it!
Do you have the 2018 All Inclusive Binder for download for a mini binder yet? Thank you!
Oh my gosh.. I ordered this wonderful organization tool but can’t find it. I hit download but then another screen came up and it was gone. Please help
Hi mosque,
I really am interested in your inclusive package. However is there a smaller package available for singles with out a family?
Hi Mique! Love the binder… but i am trying to be completely digital (or as much as possible). Anyway to get a Template that would fit into Microsoft OneNote?
Is there a way to see what is included in this instead of just a generalization before buying?
Are you planning on having a 2018 all inclusive mini binder available?
Hi Barbara – yes! It’s on my to do list. ;)
Just want to say I am just happy that i stumbled in your internet page!.
What does it cost
Greati idea
This “I WANT THIS” link on is not working!! nothing happens. can’t purchase.
Hi! Your website is amazing! I do have a few questions. I want to buy the 2016 binder for my mom as a birthday present which is the beginning of the year. What does it all come with exactly?
Hi Judy- it is a PDF file and you need to have something on your computer that can open it. You can use the free Adobe Reader program (if you google free Adobe Reader you can easily find it). If you are still having issues, please email me at [email protected]. Thanks!
Just to be clear, there are no free downloads from your site anymore?
Hi Linda- No, that’s not the case at all. Anyone can still download all of the hundreds of free printables. This binder is the only one that I have charged for. There are few others that I will work on for a fee but everything else is for free. (and personal use only) Thanks!
I tried twice to purchase the binder using Paypal, but it fails to process. :-( I prefer not to use my credit card.
Shoot! I can see that it’s gone through for some with Paypal. I wonder if it has to do with all of the sales for Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Not sure… I’ll try to see if I can find out what’s going on. If I hear anything I’ll email you. Sorry about that Sherry.
Hi Sherry- I found out that Paypal was down for most of yesterday due to Cyber Monday. It should be working now if you are still interested. Thanks!
Do you offer promo codes when purchasing the whole binder?
Hi Mary-Ann- the only way that the binder is offered is as a whole binder. I sent out a discount code to those who subscribe to my newsletter and also promoted one on my Facebook page through Black Friday. Thanks!
Love, love, LOVE IT! Thank YOU for the time you put into making a complete ready to use system. I wish you lots and lots of appreciation!!!
Make 2016 the best year ever!!
Thank you so much Susan. What a sweet comment to receive. It is so appreciated!! All the best, Mique
Definitely interested in a mini binder version!!!!
Thanks Monique! The response for a mini has been heard! (lots of people have commented on FB, emailed, etc) I will get working on that one soon.
I noticed you have recipe cards in this binder and I was wondering if you could post them separately (or add them to your recipe binder). Thanks in advance.
Hi there- this is a special addition for this binder. Thanks!
Hi! I can’t tell you how disappointed I am. I discovered your website last year after hours and hours of searching for the right product and I downloaded your calendar for my classroom file. In my opinion the most beautiful and practical of all of them. For a whole year I looked forward to downloading the 2016 one and now, with the South African rand at 15:1 to the dollar, I am unable to afford the whole planner. What a disappointment!
I wish you luck with the book and planner – they are lovely!
Hi Susan,
I’m so glad that you found my site after searching for a long time. And I’m happy that you think they are beautiful and practical – I spend hours and hours and hours thinking about them, creating them, photographing them, editing them and putting together posts. Over the last couple of years I’ve posted over 20 binder posts with hundreds of pages for free as well as hundreds of other free printables of all different types (gift ideas, organizational things, kid ideas, etc). With all of the time invested into these binders, I know that $15 is a steal of a deal. :) I’m sorry that with the conversion it makes it out of your budget. I hope you understand where I’m coming from. Thanks!
I find your website so informative, I am trying to put together my planners on a really small budget as my husband is seriously ill(terminal) and I use most of my budget to make him more comfortably, I am trying to find an A5 diary with dates for 2016, if you know of a printable that is available I would be grateful if you could let me know. Thank you in advance Debs
Hi – I’m so sorry to hear about your husband. There are several 2016 printable calendars available online. If you look on Pinterest you can find some cute ones. All the best- Mique