In the car the other day my youngest started a conversation about his birthday. Because for the last month we have been in birthday countdown mode.
A: “Mom are you sad that your ‘baby’ is growing up.”
Me:”Yes buddy, stop growing would ya?”
A: “Mom it’s ok. I’ll ALWAYS be your baby.”
That boy knows how to melt my heart!! Today he turns six.
Birthdays are a big deal around here. We do breakfast in bed on the special red plate. I make them a t-shirt so everyone around knows it’s their birthday. This year I have done posters too. And then dinner is the birthday kiddos choice in addition to presents and the regular birthday hoopla.
In honor of my cute boy I made a printable birthday sheet to have him fill out and keep.
Drew LOVED filling out this sheet. So much so that he insisted on bringing it to school to show to his friends. I love the picture he drew of himself- a boy with a baseball hat on. It is SO him. And was a little shocked that he chose “Tron” as his favorite movie considering he slept through the entire thing with his dad. ;)
Happy Happy Birthday to the cutest 6 year old on the planet!!
Download a birthday sheet printable.
For 30days subscribers and personal use only. Thanks!
Very cute! Thanks for sharing.
That’s so cute … I can’t wait to do it with my twins on their next birthday. Thanks for sharing!
That is one good-looking boy you have there — movie-star quality! He’s going to be a heart breaker :)
What an awesome idea thanks so much for sharing it.
Great printable & adorable child! My boy is going to be 10 this year. :( Yikes.