I know, I know. This is a craft blog. You don’t come here to get advice about exercise. Three months ago I started on a journey and I finally feel like I can share it. At least the beginning of it.
I have two good friends from church that convinced me to do a sprint triathlon with them a few years ago. It was crazy. It was hard. I’m glad that I can say I did it.
See Jane Tri 2009
These same friends started doing CrossFit last year and talked to me about it. One of them kept telling me that I needed to make it out to the “box” (those who do CrossFit call it a box instead of a gym). I knew I needed to make some changes in my life but I wasn’t quite there yet. I was miserable with my weight and body in general but wasn’t ready to give up the way I was eating. I also knew that until I made up my mind it was pointless to go. Finally right after Valentine’s Day, I went to my first class. And I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t walk for a few days. I literally screamed out in pain when I had to sit to go to the bathroom (tmi? sorry!). But I knew that it was the right fit for me.
Since I started, I have gone consistently four to five times a week. I know my weaknesses and limitations. If I were to take a little bit of time off, I’d have a hard time going back. For me, it’s a slippery slope. So I’d rather go every day and have things scaled if I need it. My coach is awesome at modifying things for me if I’m sore, hurt, etc. Three months in, I am in NO WAY an expert. But I’m the perfect example of “if she can do it, I can do it.”
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen a few CF pics.
So what is it?
Crossfit is a mix of aerobic exercise, body weight exercise, gymnastics and Olympic weight lifting. It’s known as the “sport of fitness.”
For each CrossFit session you can expect – stretching, a warm-up, a skill development segment, and a high-intensity workout of the day (also known as “WOD” to CrossFitters). Here is a list of standard workouts. Just like any exercise, group, club, there are slang words and terminology used often. I’m still getting used to that and have to ask “what’s that again?” A LOT.
Things that I feel are key to a good CrossFit experience:
- Find a box that is small and that the owner has several years experience. (this is the biggest thing in my humble opinion)
- Going with a friend will help keep you accountable.
- Throw your self consciousness out the window. Granted, that’s easier said than done. But everyone feels silly at first. Don’t let that get in the way of you going.
Workout Gear:
My favorite brand is Marika. Soft, flattering, awesome all around.
Must haves-
- Shirt/tank top – this is personal preference. I like shirts that breathe a bit and nothing too super tight.
- Workout pants/shorts – another personal preference but these days I like capri length, tight fitting all the way down.
- Socks – longer socks are used when people wears shorts to protect your legs from scrapes and bruising during lifts
- Proper shoes – three key things: A nearly-neutral or zero drop from heel to toe, lightweight and maximum breath ability
Truth: I bought a bunch of my workout clothing from TJMaxx and Marshall’s. I got my shoes on clearance at Sport Chalet. You can also get amazingly good deals on CrossFit gear and other work out attire from the Clymb. But I’d love to get this shirt from FireDaughter Clothing:
- I’m getting into the best shape of my life.
- I feel stronger than I’ve ever felt.
- The camaraderie at the box is amazing- people cheer each other on there unlike anywhere I’ve ever been.
- Learn something new and be challenged both mentally and physically
- Cost – I pay $150 per month. That’s WAY higher than any traditional gym. But I easily justify it because I actually go 5 times a week. Unlike the $40 gym membership that I paid for for years without going. And I feel like I have a personal trainer. My coach watches everything I do and makes sure I’m doing everything correctly. He tailors things to me specifically.
- I have not “lost weight” like I have in the past. It’s been a slow process. But my body has definitely changed and things are fitting better. That’s more important than any number on the scale.
- I’m sore a lot. But people there always say “it’s a good sore.” Regardless hurting walking up and down the stairs isn’t my favorite thing.
Although I’d love to lose weight and that is part of my goal, the main thing is that my body is changing and I feel stronger than I’ve ever felt. Times a million. I’ve never done any kinds of weights. They’ve always terrified me. Now I’m seriously enjoying bench pressing, back squats and olympic weight lifting. WHAT?! A few months ago I would’ve laughed hysterically at the thought of enjoying weight lifting. It’s crazy. And it’s awesome.
Side note: Nutrition goes hand in hand with CrossFit. I’ve heard that weight loss is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. (I know there are differing opinions on this) Most people who do CrossFit at some point do Whole 30 and/or follow the Paleo diet. That is something I’ll get into on a different day. But it’s also been a part of my journey up to this point. And I will say that I’ve given up my beloved Dr. Pepper and Cherry Coke. I stopped drinking soda and now drink water, occasionally some lemonade.
Even though I feel like CrossFit is the right thing for me at this stage in my life, I know that everyone has to find what works for them. More than anything I hope to motivate you to get out there and try something new. Don’t be afraid to do something because it seems tough.
Have you tried something new that you were surprised you ended up liking? What’s your exercise of choice?
Disclosure: This post is NOT sponsored. All opinions are 100% my own. Some of the links to products in this post are affiliate links.
Hi, I stumbled across your blog because of facebook. I started cf a year ago and I love it! When I started I hated working out. I would avoid it like the plague. But since my office shares a wall with cf and the owner and coachea are amazing I decided to try it (with a lot of wooing from them). It was the best decision I have ever made (regarding my health). For the first 9 months I didnt lose any weight, but I was having a blast. I loved power lifting! I competed in my first competition doing deadlifts and got 2nd place. Right after that the owner, who is now a good friend of mine, said he wanted to help me lose weight and feel better about the cardio aspect of cf. Well its been 4 months and I am down 45 lbs. For the first time in 5 years I am under 200 lbs. I am in better shape then I ever was doing any diet before. I am eating about 80% paleo and working out twice a day 5 days a week. I run in the morning and I’m at the box after work. My husband loves my new confidence and that I am taking care of myself. But what I tell people who say cf is to hard or they aren’t ready yet, I tell them my story. If it could take me from 240 lbs to 195 with no diet pills and I eat all day from food from the grocery store, anyone could do it.
Thank you for being positive about cf. Even your cons were positive. Keep up the amazing work!!! :-)
Wow – thanks for all of the great information Mique!!! You really inspired me. I’m going to work up my courage and try it.
So awesome, Mique!! I love the feeling of accomplishing something hard!
Thanks Mariel!! Me too. I like challenging myself and kind of proving people wrong. Or at least doing things people wouldn’t expect. Must be the rebel in me! ha. ;) xo
That’s SO awesome Mique!! I need to find my “thing” because I’m feeling horrible about myself lately.
Thanks Cheryl!! Go find your thing! Try something new!! For everyone it’s different. And I’ve done lots of different things at different times. Running, swimming, still miss Zumba. Thanks for the encouragement! xoxo
I just started Crossfit too!! It’s kicking my butt!! I don’t have a box to go to (closest is 1hr away) so I crossfit at home! I love to hear other peoples journey into crossfit!
OK this post is FANTASTIC! I have been wondering about so many things you talked about here! Please keep us posted with your journey–love it!
YOU are fantastic. Thank you for motivating me to talk about something other than crafts. I love that I shared the beginning of my journey and that you are so supportive. You’re the best! xo
I have not tried Crossfit, but an on my own exercise journey. My biggest epiphanie is consistency.
go YOU! i need to do something other than sitting on my rear all day. so proud for you!
Thanks cute Kellie! You are so great at encouraging others. Love that about you! Find something you love and run with it! (ha- pun not intended but it works) xoxo
As a cross fit drop out I am so proud of you girl!! Was totally the hardest exercise I’ve ever done. Keep up the good work!! Go Mique!!!
Ha! Thanks LA! To each their own. It’s definitely not for everyone. I’m impressed you gave it a go. Thanks for your encouragement. It means a lot!
I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary of doing Crossfit. I started at a Globo-gym right after getting cleared to workout from having a baby. 8 months later my husband and I joined the local box. It was the best decision we could have made for ourselves. Although I was seeing really slow progress from doing it on our own, I saw drastic changes in the last 3 months from being surrounded by others who are pushing themselves as hard as we do! I am struggling with the nutritional side of it with being a vegetarian, but we try to eat as clean as possible. I can’t wait to hear your take on Paleo/Whole 30. :)
I love hearing from other people that are further ahead than me. I’m grateful for my two friends that pushed me to join and that I didn’t let it intimidate me too much that I looked like a fool at first when they totally knew what they were doing. I’ve tried to convince my husband to join but he says he’s too busy. Hoping I can convince him eventually. I know how it is though- until I made up my mind, it was pointless to go. I think more than anything nutritionally- is to eat clean. Paleo is so heavily meat based so it’d be tough to be a vegetarian and do it. I can’t wait to share my experience with that. It’s a learning process for sure. Thanks for the comment!
Good job girl! I love seeing your updates on IG and hearing how much you are enjoying xfit. I have been doing it for 4 months now and can honestly say I love every bit of it. I have heard a lot of people say they will start by eating right and then hit the gym but for some reason for me it was completely opposite. The heavier I started lifting and the more comfortable I got with the workouts the more I wanted to change my diet so that I could continue seeing results. I had a friend tell me to be careful drinking the crossfit koolaid because you would never go back to anything else and its soooo true!
Thanks so much for your encouragement Sarah! I am exactly like you. I actually asked my friend (the one who not so subtly insisted that I join :) if I should fix my diet first or do CF. She suggested CF and that then I would feel motivated to clean up the crappy food. She was totally right. I kind of did it all at once but I didn’t let my gross diet get in the way of starting. I’m so glad! And I’ve most definitely drunk the CrossFit koolaid. ;) You are in good company!
I’ve been following your story Mique and am so proud of you for the changes you’ve made! I began a serious commitment to cleaner eating and being more active in January and then a crazy friend talked me into starting the Insanity workout seven weeks ago (and giving up my beloved Diet Coke!) I feel stronger and more fit than ever. Congratulations on your journey!
Angie you’re the sweetest. I love seeing your pics on IG- it super motivates me to keep going. You look awesome!! Eating clean is huge for me. Paleo seriously changed the way I feel. It’s not easy at all, but I just feel a lot better when I eat that way. Giving up DP and Cherry Coke was HUGE for me. I was up to one (or two sometimes!) huge McD’s cups a day. Yuck. Every once in awhile I miss it but know that if I tried it now a) it’d taste gross but b) I’d want to go back to drinking it. So I haven’t had a sip in 3 months. Congrats to you on your journey Angie! You’re amazing. xoxo
I love this! I’m super intrigued by Cross Fit but like you mentioned, it’s the cost that’s stopping me from looking into it further. I just finished Day 31 of the Insanity program. It is by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done but I’M DOING IT! And I’m loving it! We just went on vacation and I made sure to get it in then too. I never would’ve done that before! I can relate to so many of your points here – THANK YOU for sharing this!
I have a bunch of friends that do Insanity that love it. I’ve never tried but I feel like I do so much better in groups. When I’m on my own I’m not as motivated but if I’m in a class I don’t want to stop in front of other people. I’m SUPER impressed with people who are self motivated though. You are awesome for doing it on vacation! Way to go. Keep up the awesome work. Thanks for the comment Kelly!!
I started Crossfit recently..I am not able to go to a box (gym) either because it’s 1 hr away and it’s crazy expensive. So I actually do crossfit in my own home! You’re probably thinking “how can you lift weights at home?”… Truth is, I don’t even have weights! As a beginner, I use my body weights for majority of my exercise for now. Such as burpees, squats, pushups, sprinting, jump-roping, box jumps, ect. I recently got a kettlebell so that helps. As I advance I hope to invest in some weight equipment for my garage..but it is possible to do crossfit at home! You can see how I’m doing it at http://mommacrossfitter.blogspot.com/
I am SO impressed Whitney!! That is amazing. Way to take matters into your own hands. I can totally see how you could do things at home. I prefer to be in a group setting b/c people motivate me but if you can do it on your own- more power to you!! I loved taking a peak at your blog. Look forward to watching you progress. Have an awesome day.
Thank you for sharing your journey! I actually own a box outside of St Louis. Like you, when I started I was skeptical. I didn’t think i would like it. But I fell in love. The community is amazing and each workout makes me push myself further than I ever thought I could go. I’ve lost a ton of weight and inches, but I still have a ways to go. It is a journey! One that is fun to share with others, so thank you for sharing!
Great job!! I enjoy hearing about other experiences with crossfit. My husband and I started doing crossfit 8 months ago and love it!
Thanks Bonnie! I love finding people that are going through the same thing I am. You’re ahead of me in my journey- glad to hear you still love it! :) Thanks for the comment.
you go girl!! keep it up… you’re amazing!
Thanks Jen!! xoxo