Make these cute Easter Bunny Treats with your family this Easter!
Hello Thirty Handmade Day’s Readers! It’s Emma again from Crafting{E}. Easter is coming up insanely fast, but don’t worry if you aren’t ready because I have this adorable bunny treat to share with you! Yes, I realize they are slightly creepy (haha) but I also think they are kind of adorable.
Even though in my family we like to focus mostly on the true meaning of Easter, we love to take part in Easter egg hunts and eat delicious candy and treats. These Easter Bunny Treats are sure to make any kid’s day!
They are so cute, and require minimal assembly and no baking! They are super easy! The bunny’s head is made from a white Hostess Snowball. We created ears out of marshmallows cut in half and covered them in pink sprinkles.
The whiskers are made out of pink sour gummy worms cut into small pieces. The eyes are candy eyes that you can by in most craft stores. The nose was made out of pink Jelly Bellies.
Seriously, aren’t they so cute! And like I said before, they are super easy to assemble. There is no baking or anything involved and all the ingredients can be bought at the store.
Here’s the recipe:
Adorable Easter Bunny Treats
- Hostess Snowballs
- Giant Campfire Marshmallows
- Pink Sprinkles
- White Frosting (either homemade or store-bought)
- Pink jelly beans
- Pink sour gummy worms
- Candy eyes
- First, cut the marshmallows in half lengthwise and then in half again widthwise.
- Cover the sticky top part of the marshmallow with pink sprinkles. The stickiness of the marshmallow should allow the sprinkles to stick to it.
- Use frosting to attach the two bunny ears onto the top of the snowball.
- Now to create the bunnies face. First take a pink sour gummy worm and cut it in half lengthwise and then again widthwise.
- Place a pink jelly bean onto the white snowball to create a nose. Use frosting to attach.
- Place the four pieces of sour gummy worm around the nose to create whiskers. Use frosting to attach.
- Next, take two candy eyes and place them onto the snowball. Use frosting to attach.
These are adorable! It gave me some ideas, maybe you can make these with mochi covered in shredded coconut. =)