I’m not sure when I started loving music? But I love love love it. My kids have inherited that love of music in a major way. In the car they shout out the name of the song and artist of every song. It’s cute until they fight over saying it first. Lately there have been some fun song lyrics. I thought my kids would get a kick out of if I turned the lyrics into printable lunch box notes. They were a hit!
10 points if you can guess the songs that these go to……
These are fun for elementary school aged kids. Perfect for my 7 year old and 11 year old. Preschool might be pushing it and junior high might not think they are so cool. But those kids right in the middle? Ideal.
Has “What does the fox say?” hit your house yet? I couldn’t fall asleep the other night because I couldn’t those dang lyrics out of my head. Ahhhhhh! But my kids love the song. So I had to, right?
Julia’s by far favorite band is One Direction. Josh even surprised her and her best friend with box seats at a 1D concert this summer. SO FUN! I knew that I had to change “Best Song Ever” to “best daughter ever.” Pretty sure Julia would agree with that statement.
Ok so did you guess?
Page 1: Here are the songs that match the lyrics:
Roar by Katy Perry
Brave by Sara Bareilles
Royals by Lordes
What does the fox say? by Ylvis
Page 2:
Popular Song by Mika and Ariana Grande
Best Song Ever by One Direction
La Da Dee by Cody Simpson
Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’ from Teen Beach Movie
Lyric Lunch Box Notes Page 1
Lyric Lunch Box Notes Page 2
For personal use only pretty please. Thanks!
This is the best idea EVER! Thanks soooo much for all the clever ideas!
Thanks ever so much for sharing, they are really appreciated
I’ve just stumbled across these & am so excited! My 8 year old daughter is going to love this. Thank you, thank you!
These are adorable and now I can look forward to the days the kids insist on cold lunch!
Thank you for these, they are ADORABLE!!!! Would LOVE more lunchbox notes! They don’t have to be to music like these cuties.
Mique, I just wanted to let you know that my almost 14 y.o. (in a couple weeks) daughter LOVES these little song lunchbox notes! She’s a very popular, well-rounded and fun young teen and STILL relishes small little surprises such as these!!! Thank you! I just wanted others to know that these notes aren’t too young for fun 8th graders!
Awesome thanks, my 8 & 5 yr olds love lunch box notes & they will for sure love these. How come on download one the You can call me queen bee my download shows a uppercase A instead of the crown…? That happen to anyone else?
These are great! My 10 & 12 y/o girls will love them. I can not even tell you how many times I have heard ‘what does the fox say?’ Of course, they are still obsessed with One Direction too :-)
Just fabulous – thank you so much for sharing! I have 4 little girls so handwriting notes every day takes a while! these will just be perfect for them and will bring smiles to their little faces – thank you for brightening their days :)
Mique!!!! These are so stinkin awesome! My kiddos love notes in the lunch boxes. Thank you for making mornings more fun for me and them :)
These are adorable! This is such a great idea, if only my kids were little again )-; I think they would really enjoy getting one everyday. My youngest didn’t like school maybe something like these would of brightened her day.
Thanks for sharing!
ADORABLE!!!!!! They make me, the mom, smile and giggle! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Funday Mique, sharing on our FB page today! ;)
What a creative and fun idea.
This is such a fun idea!!!
No kiddos to use them for, but they are super cute! xo
I beg to differ where “junior high might not think these are cool”, because my daughter is 13, and in the 7th grade, she loves music, and her notes in her lunch or breakfast box, and I just know she will just love, love, these “music notes”. Especially the fox one!
Oh good! You’ll have to make them and let me know if she approves. ;)
Ok Want to know how sad things are about me.
Out of the 8 songs, I didn’t know ANY!!!
Sadder still?
I only knew two of the singers.
Ha! That’s ok Nance. I only know these songs because my kids love them. :) But I do love Sara Bareilles- she’s my favorite!
I’m DYING about The Fox one. LOL I know exactly what you are talking about. You speak my language. hee.
Yesssss. Glad I’m not alone. Thanks Amy! :)
I love these!!! My boys were just singing “What does the Fox say” while they were getting ready this morning!!!
I thought we had escaped that song and then a couple weeks ago my daughter came in to her brother and said “DREW! You have to see this.” And now it’s all stuck in our heads. :) xo
Cutest Idea Ever!!!! Can’t wait til my little girl can read…i will so do this!!!
Awww thanks Corina! It’d be fun to do some that are just drawings that itty bitty kids would be better able to understand too. Preschool lunch maybe? :)
These are awesome! My son will love finding these little surprises in his lunchbox. Can’t wait for his next cold lunch day! Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks so much Danielle! Enjoy!