Every once in awhile I come across simple things that take seconds to execute but make a world of difference. Today’s tip makes for some pretty, uniform hamburger patties without buying a hamburger press. So what’s the secret? It involves a lid and saran wrap. Pick out a lid, wrap it in saran wrap and push the seasoned meat in the lid. The saran wrap helps it not to stick to the lid. You can use any lid you want- just a tad bigger than the size you want the patty to be. If you want sliders find a smaller lid. For jumbo burgers use a bigger lid.
Easy as one-two-three and look how pretty:
We’re just getting ready for Fall here (FINALLY) but finished out the season with perfectly uniform hamburgers. Yum! What simple thing can you not live without?
I couldn’t have found this tip at a better time! Making patties from ground meat tonight for the first time, definitely going to do this. Thanks for sharing!
that is a great idea!
Mique, My mom used to do this when I was little and it does make a huge difference. Thanks for the tip. I am going to start doing it too!
I’m pinning this cute idea.
Great idea! I’m doing that from now on!