I started babysitting for other people when I was about ten years old. I also got paid $2 an hour for five kids. And I cleaned the house. Times have changed. I have looked into it and asked around a lot- 12 years old is the legal age around here to babysit for other families. Our situation is a little different. I can’t ask most of the girls at church to watch my three because my oldest has special needs. It makes it especially tough to get out and about. But Julia is at the point where she *might* be ready to babysit other peoples kids. (my heart beats a little faster just thinking about that)
For this printable I tried to think of all the things I like my babysitters to know when I’m gone. Food, notes, emergency stuff….
To make this little printable even more functional I laminated it and added a magnet on the back. Ta-da! It fits perfectly on the fridge. Instead of printing it over and over and over (which you can totally do).. fill in the parts that will always be the same and then laminate and use dry erase markers for the things that will change each time.
I’ve talked about my laminator several times. On Facebook I asked about making a laminator project section and everyone said “yes please!” So that is coming soon….be on the look out. This is the laminator I have. And I use these sheets. You can also find them at Target or Walmart.
Side note: Josh came home and asked why all of the information on “the thing on the fridge” was wrong. I told him I had to take pictures for this post and didn’t want the real stuff on there. But I thought it was funny! Life of a blogger…
Download this babysitter printable. For personal use only. Thanks!
I know this is a minor but is there any way you could change it to be Mom and Dad’s cell instead of cel? I so love your printables! :)
This is awesome Mique! I am going to be printing this out today! This is random, I know, but what font is this? I love it for kids’ files and I’ve never been able to figure out what font it is. Thanks girl! XO
It’s so funny that I found this post today because I was just thinking about doing exactly this! We sent our kids to the sitters for the afternoon and I felt like I overwhelmed them with info and would’ve been much better on a printout. Pinning immediately!
Such a great idea Mique!!!