Halloween is a few weeks away and we’re in decision making mode over here. I don’t know what my kids will dress up as because they’ll probably change their minds three times before the big day. We’re also thinking about decor, treats and anything Halloween related. We have a “no treat” policy at school. It can be tough to find “non candy” hand outs for their classmates. I took matters into my own hands and made these fun joke bag toppers:
I found some Halloween poppers, erasers, band aids and more at Joann’s and Target. There are lots of options everywhere right now. (and the Halloween section has been out since July around me!)
I got the treat bags from Michaels but they can be found online as well. I have so many different sizes of treat bags to use for all different occasions. I always have lots on hand to last minute treats or gifts.
These joke toppers could easily be attached to bags of treats instead of toys or non candy items as well. To make these cute bags all you have to do is print the joke topper page, cut along the lines, and fold in half. Then after stuffing your bag, attach with adhesive, a stapler, hole punch or whatever you have.
Download these cute Halloween joke toppers. For personal use only. Thanks!
Do you send your kids to school with treats for Halloween?
Check out my other Halloween ideas:
You light up my Halloween printable
Printable Flags for Treat Bags
Could you post or send me the Halloween joke toppers individually as jpg files pleeeeeese? as want to print on glossy photo paper and attach to bags…they are so cool!
I could print two joke toppers to each photo 6 X 4 inch size…
Thank you so much for sharing. These are perfect toppers for my 9 year old Bear Scouts treat bags! They will love them!
Yay! So glad you found them. My husband was the Cub Master for a few years. ;)
Just got done stapling 80 of them to fruit gummy bags. I was looking all over the web to find something like this. Thanks
So cute, Mique! Featuring it tomorrow!
Your Halloween printables are fantastic! Thanks for sharing at last week’s Pin Junkie link party. Your project was featured this week! Please stop by to grab a featured button. Also this week’s party will be HUGE! 20+ bloggers are co-hosting to celebrate my one year blogiversary! Hope you can come party with us! http://www.thepinjunkie.com/2013/10/blogiversary-party.html
How totally cute! Thanks fro the printables!
Come visit us at http://obsessiveandcreative.blogspot.com/2013/10/craft-frenzy-friday-8.html
We are having a party and it won’t be the same without your creativity!
Craft Frenzy Friday!
I love this idea. Kids would be so excited to share their jokes! Thanks for sharing. I’d love for you to come join our Halloween Party!!!
so cute! I love it!
Love these! I think they would be a hit with kids too. I know mine love silly jokes. Thanks! Pinning
Mique!!! You have some of the cutest ideas! I love them all.
What a great idea! It is tough to come up with something clever & fun that doesn’t break the bank.