It’s hard to believe that my kids have been back to school for almost a month. Things still haven’t quite jelled yet as we try to get back into our routine. I was so excited to get back on track and yet here I sit weeks later with a messy kitchen, a mountain of laundry (will it EVER end!!?) and my hair pulled up because I didn’t have the time to do it. By December we should be back into the swing of things…just in time for a month long winter break.
My friends at Bounce asked me how I #BounceBack from challenges. They are on a mission to help people bounce back from hiccups and whatever laundry (and life) toss their way. YESSSSS. Because we all know I can use help in the laundry (and sometimes life) department. When things feel out of control or like they are unraveling, I have a tendency to curl up in a ball in the corner for awhile. Then I get up and get to work.
Sometimes I just need a little reminder that I’m not on my own in this. I certainly am not the only one who can’t get their act together or who is faced with hard challenges to plow through. There are times when everyone needs some help to “Bounce Back” from challenges. Right?
In an effort to get my schedule loving act in order and back on track after a long summer, I created a Daily To Do checklist. Are you a list maker? I have friends who make lists of things they have already done just to check them off. That is so NOT me. I wish it was. I keep my lists in my mind. Which is already over crowded.
This printable list is similar to the one I made for my kids’ accountability binders. It’s bright and cheery with a quote from Nelson Mandela at the bottom. I kept it vague so that I could fill it in however I want as some days will be much busier than others. You could also laminate it and use a dry erase marker.
Download the To Do List printable and/or “Always remember” quote. For personal use only. Thanks!
I am so excited about all the wonderful organizational charts. Getting mine started now. Ready to bounce back and get my act together
Thank you for putting Sunday-Saturday on your today I Will list.
Your daily to-do list template is DREAMY!
I loved your post. Sometimes the small things feel like big things. I love your ideas for how to be more organized and on how to stay on top of the to-do lists. Slowly chipping away at our list will help us so we are not overwhelmed and help us “Bounce” back quickly from the overwhelm of it all. Thanks for your post.
Love these! Where did you get the clipboard with the “Make My Day” embossing?
I scrapbook all of the memories!! :-)
I like to bounce back by having a fall cleaning.
I will bounce back by organizing each room!!
I bounce back by clearing the closets of old clothes and donating them.
We bounce back from summer by trying to get into our school routine at least a week ahead of time.
I “bounce back” easily since I finally have a routine again! Summers are hard for me, but Fall, I love!
Oh, I know just how you have been feeling! I have had a difficult time settling back into my routine since the kids have gone back to school as well. I bounced back by taking a long walk one morning and getting my focus back on my most important priorities…God and my family. :)
Whenever I try to PIN something to Pinterest ( using either your link or my Pin button) it appears to work, but it only pins the image with no way to link back to your page. Any ideas?
Thank you,
Need to bounce back by sticking to an exercise routine
I will bounce back by getting the kids rooms cleaned and organized.
Hi Mique, The link just isn’t working! Tried multiple time, just get a black screen. I wanted to download both the quote and the To do list. Please send me the link to me @ [email protected]… Thank you so much!
Hi Kathy- they are PDF’s and pop up in a separate page. You have to have the ability to open a PDF to have the files. You will have the same issue if I try to email them with you. I just checked both to make sure they are working and they are. Sorry about that!
Email them *to you, not with with you. Oops!
organize and clean out the house!!
I bounce back by having a large, erasable monthly calendar on the wall that lets everyone see what’s coming up for the week. I also list what we’re having for dinner for the week so they know what to expect. :-)
Summer ended? I have toddlers so it is all one long season for me haha! I think it is a challenge to keep up everyday though! I am not going to lie… I struggle! I think this list printable will help, since I am usually a mental list maker too!
I like to bounce back by getting back on a schedule as soon as school starts. If we’re on schedule from the very beginning the year goes so much smoother.
I like to bounce back by re-organizing the house.