Around this time last year I had the opportunity to go to San Francisco with Click Retreat. I wasn’t sure what to expect since I hadn’t participated in any Click events prior. I went and had the best time EVER so I knew when the chance to go to New York with Click presented itself, I was there 100%. Before I left I made lists and things for my Mom and Josh who were holding down the fort for me while I was away. I’ve been asked several times to make a travel binder for when parents go out of town for the babysitters (grandparents, aunts, uncles, nannies, etc). I didn’t get it done in time for my Mom but thought that I might as well get it done for the future. Better late than never, right? Read a little bit about my trip and then scroll down to get your own travel binder!
You know how it’s crazy nuts trying to get headed on a trip somewhere? Just me? Well it was a mad dash to get ready for New York (especially since this was my first time and while it was 100 degrees in LA, it was 75 in NY so I had to switch gears a bit in my planning), once I boarded the plane I was relaxed but excited. I shared a little map of my journey on Instagram – from LAX, stopping in Chicago (never been there before either) to meet up with friends and switch planes and then on to La Guardia in New York. I downloaded the cutest map, an idea I got from Rachel of the Chic Site. It was a fun way to document my trip. On the way there I read books, slept, ate some peanuts, drank some Dr. Pepper and enjoyed the views. I had a window seat. Yes!
My love affair with Southwest Airlines goes way back to my first solo flight from San Diego to San Jose. I was about 11 years old when I flew by myself to go visit my Grandma, aunts and uncles and I was nervous. There was a male flight attendant who completely put me at ease by drawing a guy on the puke bag, serving me endless amounts of peanuts and filling me up on any soda I wanted. It’s been a match ever since. The free bags when everyone else is charging so much, friendly employees and fun are guaranteed every time. I’ve had flight attendants who sang Disney songs and pilots who have put me at ease during some turbulent flights (yikes!). My family grew up flying Southwest and I’m reminded of my Dad every time I step onto a plane. When I picked the window seat on the wings (Dad always said that was the safest spot) I could hear my Dad saying “Flap your wings hard.” Sigh. I miss him.
Once I met up with Amy, Jen, Desiree, and Cindy in Chicago, we talked the whole way to our destination. It’s so fun reuniting with such good friends that I only get to see a couple times a year if I’m lucky! I was giddy looking out over New York (pictured above) anticipating the next few days. And let me just say, it was magical…everything I hoped for in my first trip to the Big Apple.
For one of the nights, Southwest treated us to dinner at the Porch in Bryant Park. It was the sweetest touch that they took recipes from some of the bloggers who were there that weekend and surprised them by putting them on the menu. Well played Southwest!
The views were amazing and the rush of the city was evident. It was the perfect crisp fall evening and I couldn’t have been happier.
I’ll fill you in on more about Click Retreat and why I love it so much another day. For now I’ll leave you with this.. a travel binder that has all the stuff you need to fill in for going on a trip. I wasn’t sure what to call it because there isn’t really anything like it at least that I’ve seen. But hopefully you get where I’m going with this..
Just like all my other binders, you’ll download (below) and fill in the info that you need to. If you are looking for the binder and supplies, here are some that I have used:
Affiliate links are used below.
- Binder
- Divider Tabs
- Sheet protectors
- Binder Pockets – awesome for larger important info to save
- or Dividers with pockets!
- Laminator– check out my laminator post & see why I think everyone should have one!
- Laminating pouches
BUT keep in mind, you don’t have to make a separate binder with these files if you don’t want to. You can make another section in your Family Binder. I made them to coordinate with everything I’ve designed in the past. Since you will be going away, I would definitely suggest making an Always Prepared Binder.
It’s meant to make things easier for whoever is watching your family while you are away. Some might think it’s overboard.. some might want to add more to it. Just take what works for you and run with it. I like leaving information behind just so that my mother-in-law, Mom, Josh, whoever, knows what to expect. It’s not that I don’t trust them, more that I want them to know what’s going on so they aren’t scrambling to get someone somewhere at the last minute.
Download the PDF below. If you are having issues downloading, make sure that you have downloaded a program that can read PDF’s. Adobe Reader is free to download. These printables are not editable. After you download, you can click to print the entire thing or you can print one page at a time. Each printer is different but you have the ability on all printers to print in black and white and all or selected pages. If something doesn’t work for you, you don’t have to print that page. Do with it whatever you’d like! Make it work for you.
Have questions? Visit my FAQ printables page. And my favorite fonts page that I use for a lot of my printables.
Download this Printable Travel Binder. This is for subscribers to 30days and personal use only. Those who are signed up for my newsletter are able to download all of the printables I offer for free. Thanks!
Grab it here!
If you’re looking more for of just a daily babysitting note, you can find that here:
and here are some packing lists that will help you get ready for a trip:
If you’d like to access the other binders, here you go:
- Family Binder + Tips
- Safety Checklist
- Emergency Evacuation Plans
- This Week for Dinner for Family Binder
- While We’re Out Babysitter Printable for Family Binder
- Mini Holiday Binder
- School Binder for Kids
- Ultimate Mini Budget Binder
- the Always Prepared Binder
- Use Binders to Help Organize Your Life
- Why I Love My Laminator SO Much- how it will help you organize
- Summer Binder
- Kids Recipe Book
- Recipe Binder
- Emergency Checklist for Family Binder
- Mini Accountability Binder
- Mini Accountability, Version 2
- Medical Binder
- Updated Mini Family Binder
- Mini Accountability Binder
- 1 Year Saving Challenge
- Weekly Cleaning Schedule
- Updated Mini Family Binder
- Mini Recipe Binder
- Health & Fitness Binder
I leave in two weeks for a long weekend in Ohio and I will definitely be putting this together for my husband. Thank you!