I had a suggestion from someone who visits my Facebook page. Thank you Angela! She had seen a post I shared (below) about blessing bags and suggested I make a printable to go along with it. I had actually been thinking of doing that already so her suggestion was just the push I needed to make it happen.
With Thanksgiving coming up in a few short weeks, I’m grateful for the time to reflect on all the blessings. It’s been a rough year. Yep I know I’ve said that at least 21901291029102 times. But it just has been. Amidst all of the chaos, there have been little rays of sunshine. And as I’ve said before, with challenges I have found that the best possible thing is to get outside of the craziness and go serve someone else. It is my go to when I’m feeling down. This activity would not only be great around Thanksgiving, but would be awesome any time of year. Get your kids involved and learning about acts of kindness.
Lately I’ve noticed more and more homeless people in my area. To be totally honest I’ve never known the right thing to do other than smile. It’s like how some people say to me “I just don’t know how to act around people who have special needs.” I really didn’t know what to do before I had a child with special needs. But the main thing I tell people is, the more time you spend with people with special needs, the less intimidating it is. You learn to love each person and know about them. I think maybe it would be the same thing with those who are homeless. The more I go out of my way to love and step out of my comfort zone, the less intimidating …
I know that putting together blessing bags is a simple way to do something to let them know someone is thinking about them. I can put them together and have them on hand in my car to pass out. See the links below on what to include in blessing bags.
Download these blessing bag tags. You download all the files at once but can choose which pages to print on your printer settings. For personal use only. Thanks! If you are having issues, visit my FAQ printables page.
Included in this packet: 2 different simple designs with “Just because. You matter,” 2 designs with more detailed information and a spot to fill in a local shelter, soup kitchen, homeless village, or whatever information you feel would be helpful. One includes a line about “praying for you” and one does not. You can also attach a city map to this printable.
When I was looking for blessing bag ideas I found some pretty amazing posts. There are so many things that you can do to help people out there and this is the perfect season to think about others and share a little love:
- Teach your kids about Thanks and giving with these Blessing Bags.
- I love everything about these blessing bags. Such simple little tips that make it easy to put together.
- The tip that stood out to me is to pack new socks. All around great blessing bag ideas.
- Need a checklist to get started? Here you go.
- Or another sweet tag to add to your blessing bags? I adore this one.
Learn more about why I try hard to teach my kids kindness and what we’ve done for random acts of kindness:
Over 30 RAOK ideas
Printable Random Acts of Kindness Holiday List
Darling idea! Pinned!
All these are great! I’m in the midst of changing our holiday routine from be all about me, me, me to being about helping you, you, you:) This is going to help with that! Thank you!
Love this! Definitely pinning!