As much as I love Valentine’s Day, I know there are plenty of people who loathe it. Can’t stand it. Don’t even want to think about it. I’ve filled up this space of mine with red and hearts and gooey-ness but today I have a different twist on Valentine’s Day. The Un-Valentine’s Day. If you aren’t single I betcha have a friend or family member who is.
Ok hear me out….this is in no way meant to make anyone feel bad. Not a teeny tiny bit. More like a way to brighten someone’s day who might not be loving that there’s pink and red from one side of the world to the other on February 14th. These labels wouldn’t work for everyone… they are meant to be light hearted and fun. I’m all for more ways use puns and make treats out of easy to find items. Goldfish, Oreos, Ring Pops, Junior Mints and a good scent – all things you can find at a grocery store or Target or pretty much anywhere… the gas station would even have these.
Print out the labels, stick them on and call ‘er good. You could do homemade cookies for extra points.
These are meant to work with 2″x4″ labels but you could print them on cardstock and attach as a cute tag as well. Click on the image above to download. I included one with “thinking of you” and one without. You can choose whichever one you want and print it. For personal use only- thank you!
**On the flip side of this, I know there are lots of single ladies (and gentlemen) who have lost the ones they cherish. My Mom and my Mother-in-law are both now without their soul mates. That breaks my heart into a million pieces. Or people who are hoping to find the right person to share their life with. As well as people who would rather not have a significant other but you’d still like to acknowledge that you care about them. I will be sharing some thoughtful ideas to remember them soon….and I am open to suggestions. Have you done something sweet? Received something special? Please tell me all about it so I can share. ***
More than anything, I hope your take away from this post is that there are lots of people out there who might not feel like celebrating “Gooey Hearts Day” but who would definitely want to feel remembered or thought of. I’m challenging you to get out there and do something nice for them (or yourself!) on Valentine’s Day. Look for someone who could use a little sunshine on an otherwise lonely day!
Ok…for some exciting news– I’m thrilled to be hosting a Pinterest Party to celebrate Valentine’s Day with some fabulous blog friends. Help us create the most comprehensive holiday Pinterest board on Sunday, January 26, at 9 p.m. EST/ 8 p.m. Central/ 7 p.m. MST/ 6 p.m. PST by sharing your favorite Valentine-themed projects and recipes.
Hosted by…
- Amy from The Idea Room // Follow Amy on Pinterest
- Amy from Positively Splendid
- Cheryl from TidyMom // Follow Cheryl on Pinterest
- Cindy from Skip to My Lou // Follow Cindy on Pinterest
- Desiree from The 36th Avenue // Follow Desiree on Pinterest
- Heather from Whipperberry // Follow Heather on Pinterest
- Jen from Tatertots and Jello // Follow Jen on Pinterest
- Kari Ann from Thistlewood Farms // Follow Kari Ann on Pinterest
- Kellie from Nest of Posies // Follow Kellie on Pinterest
- Kristi and Kelli from Lolly Jane // Follow Lolly Jane on Pinterest
- Melissa from No. 2 Pencil // Follow Melissa on Pinterest
- Mique from 30 Handmade Days // Follow Mique on Pinterest (That’s me!) // Follow me on Pinterest
- Tauni from SNAP! // Follow Tauni on Pinterest
Here’s how you can participate:
- Follow the Year of Celebrations Pinterest board.
- Comment on this post and leave a link to YOUR favorite Valentine’s Day project and/or recipe.
- Tweet YOUR favorite Valentine’s Day project and/or link using the hashtag #yearofcelebrations
- On Sunday, January 26, at the appointed time and watch as we build a board full of amazing ideas – including yours!
- Be sure to follow along during the party to repin and comment on the board’s posts using the hashtag #yearofcelebrations.
- One lucky party participant will walk away with $200 in DIY party products from American Crafts!
Looking for other more traditional Valentine’s Day ideas? Here are a few more…..
That is HILARIOUS!!!! Hahahaha.
I would love this link shared. THANK YOU!!!
It’s pretty simple to assume that the only people who hate Valentine’s Day are single (mostly because the media constantly portays V-Day haters as desperately bitter and lonely people who would jump right on that bandwagon if only they had someone). However, I’m happily married and I HAAAATE Valentine’s Day. Though I love red, so that often makes up for it. :P Interesting idea, though!
Love these-certain to put a smile on someone’s face when they know that you’re thinking of them on a day that can be really hard for a lot of people. So nice to see a different spin on V-day!
Thank you for this post. I don’t find these ideas offensive at all. I know my brother would have loved something like this last year (he’s newly engaged now) as he was happily single and has a great sense of humor. I do agree it’s not for everyone, like my recently divorced sister or my mom who just lost her husband a few months ago. But hopefully we know what would and wouldn’t be appropriate for our loved ones at certain times of their lives. Some people will deal with the unwanted gooey-ness of the day with humor, while others will need a more thoughtful approach. I’m looking forward to the ideas you have coming for those situations because I have also worried about the loneliness of Feb 14 this year.
Love these, Mique! I think they are a perfect way for a friend to extend the gift of a smile and a laugh to someone they care about!
I know there are folks who feel exactly as your labels say, because they have been hurt…and people who will think the ideas are funny/cute. And, I also know lots of singles who wish they were married, other singles who are content, & widowed people who knew love and miss their loved one. While I appreciate the attempt to “include” them in on Valentine’s day, I usually approach it as a day to show there are many ways to be loved & love on all my friends-not just be “romantic” to my husband, & not to dwell on the negative aspect. I do not think love bites or stinks…& I don’t think others believe that either, that’s why it hurts; it’s the lack of being loved. I prefer to acknowledge the positive of how much someone is loved…and the lavish love the Lord has for us, than to “affirm” it just wasn’t “mint” to be… I apologize for being so negative about this post as I do appreciate the many ideas you post which are fun & helpful. I just believe we need to re-think how we can be loving & supportive to our loved ones in an affirming, loving way on Valentines day.
First- thanks for taking the time to comment and express your opinion. I completely understand. As I mentioned in the post my intention wasn’t to offend. But there are people who have been hurt or who are frustrated that I think would appreciate the thought. It’s obviously not for everyone. But then again, most of my posts aren’t perfect for everyone. There are people who visit here who don’t have children who might get sick of me posting endless kid ideas, the majority of the people who aren’t autism moms and have thoughts about my posts concerning that, etc.
I hope you can feel that my heart was in the right place. I will be posting other ideas for people like my Mom who just lost the love of her life, my Dad, 2 months ago – I’m at a loss for the “right thing” to give to her on a day that everyone will be posting about their dates/activities. More than anything I just want to her to feel loved and thought of. That’s my hope with this post too- that people will create and share with those they feel would enjoy it!
I love these, cute non traditional take on Vday. Thanks for posting I just shared them with the world. I think these would work perfectly with our item number OL125.
I love these ideas… YOU ARE AMAZING!
What a good idea!