Anyone else aboard the organization train? Just me? (from the amount of people on my site looking up organizational posts these last few days I think it’s safe to say you’re all right there with me… and I love it! ;) Let’s talk about food storage!
Every year there are a few things I commit to in the new year – get healthy, organize better, finances in check and THIS WILL BE THE YEAR I DO FOOD STORAGE. And guess what? I fail. Dang it. In 2016 I think I can change that because I’ve researched and researched the easiest possible ways to reeeeeeaaaaaally make it happen. I think I can.
The idea is to buy a few extra things when you make your weekly grocery store run. It’s nothing crazy, overwhelming. (which is why I think it’s doable) I’ll get into a good way to organize and label everything another day, but for now stick with me on how to tackle food storage. This isn’t meant for you to have a year of food storage. It is meant for you to accumulate food storage throughout the year, one week at a time. Food storage has been talked about a lot at church to have on hand in case of an emergency. With all of the different natural disasters and scary things going on in the world, I think it’s about time to get on top of this! A couple of resources I used to gather information: Backdoor Survival and Bits of Everything.
The numbers on the left in bold are the weeks throughout the year. Each week you’ll get that one item in addition to your weekly grocery shopping.
————>Download the filled in 1 year food challenge printable or the blank version.
If you like the idea but don’t necessarily think what I’ve included works for your situation, feel free to use the blank version.
The other thing I found when I was researching for food storage information was a handy little newspaper clipping from the 1960’s. I altered it a little bit and created a printable list to download. I also made one that is blank that you can fill in if you’d rather make your own list.
————–>Download the filled in 2 week emergency food supply or the blank 2 week emergency food supply.
So what do you think? Doable?
Check out my other emergency related posts:
Emergency Evacuation Plans
Stephanie. Let’s get together. This is totally doable.
These are great! I wanted to create a 6 month food storage, for emergencies. It’s helpful to have a guide!
Agree with Denise – if I do this (and I will!) how many people for how long can be fed with what I do have? (And believe it or not, I DO have a space to store it…)
How many people is the 1 year of storage supposed to feed?
I love this thanks for creating it. With your color scheme and ideas i am assuming you do thrive…if you dont you should look into it. Amazing products! Let me know if you want more details on it.
thanks again!
Many items can still go stale pretty quick – like crackers, mixes, powdered and instant foods. The can be stored to last longer with dry canning and vacuum sealing. Flour can get wormy but you can freeze it and then vacuum seal. Crackers can be dry canned in mason jars and remain fresh for a long time. Ziploc makes a vacuum sealer for jars that is really great even on a daily basis – like no more hard brown sugar. Just Google this stuff and you can get alot of tips.
Agree with Cheyanne – where would we store all this?
For how many people is the list calculated?
Yes, this list seems do-able (at least the purchasing of food) but WHERE would I put it all!?!?! Hahaha :)
A few tips to consider ~ since many foods listed here do not come already packaged for long term storage :)