If you want to use a cash envelope system without the cash.. this one is for you!
Cash Envelope System
It’s time to talk about budgeting again. Wah wah wah. One of the things that comes up a lot with those who are hard core budgeters is a cash envelope system. It’s been around for a long time but Dave Ramsey talks a lot about it. Here’s the thing – it’s a good idea but Josh and I aren’t good with cash. Cash freaks me out. I’m always afraid of losing it. But the principle of it is awesome. So I came up with something that is cashless but the same sort of principle.
This idea is somewhat like balancing a checkbook. Remember those? I know it’s been awhile since I actually balanced one. And the truth is I wasn’t great at that either. Ooops. Have no fear though – by making simple little notecards to bring with you or hang on your fridge, you will be held much more accountable.
I made three different versions – one for the week, one for weekS and one for the month. I know people do their budgeting differently and by making different versions, you can download whichever one suits you best.
The only thing you need is cardstock to print on and a ring to put the cards on if you want (not 100% necessary though).
Download the cards below, cut them out and fill in each card with a category that you’ve previously discussed. For example: groceries, household items, gas/car, misc, etc. Write the week/month and the total budget. If you choose to put these on a ring just go ahead and hole punch them on the corner and attach together. Carry them in your purse to fill in while you’re out. Or you could also keep your receipts and fill it in later.
Use your credit or debit card until you hit your budget for that category and then that’s it! If you have money left over at the end of the time period, put it towards another expense or savings. If you have leftover for consecutive time periods, you might want to redo your budget and allocate the funds for another category. And that’s it!
There are three different options to download: for the month of, for the week of, for the weeks of. As always, for personal use and 30days subscribers only. Thank you! These are not to be printed and resold under any circumstances. Copyright © Thirty Handmade Days.
Note: This download is a PDF- it is not editable. In order to download, you need to have a program like Adobe Reader (free). Thank you for your understanding. Please refer to my Printable FAQ’s.
Other Budget Posts
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I’ve done the envelope thing with cash and you can’t cheat like this. This is just like a checkbook register. If there’s more $$ in the bank, you can go over too easily. With cash envelopes you must open some other ( say the rent or gas ) envelope and deliberately take away from that thing you really do need. There’s nothing like physically seeing in total reality what you’re spending. Once the cash is gone, it’s truly gone. No self-deception here! I admit it worked better in the old days when we didn’t have to have bank accounts and actually went to the debtor’s place of business. But it works very good even now for groceries, sitters, drugs and anything that’s not related to rent and utilities. Just hold out enough cash and DON’T take the card with you!!!
I’m the opposite. For some reason, it’s easier for me to spend cash than use my card. I have zero idea why, but that’s just how it is. It’s like it burns a hole in my pocket and I need to uuuuuussssssse it! Weird, I know. I love this cashless system!
Danielle, I’m with you. If I have cash and I see something for a small amount, I will buy it but if I only have a credit card, I won’t put a small amount on the card. I will save money by not taking cash.
Yep Same
I’m with you, Donna. I only carry enough to finish what I need to do for that day. You don’t need to carry all your bills, for bills you need to pay. Make a plan then Just take out what you need. If I am going to the grocery store I pull that exact amount, if I purchasing toys for the kids I bring the exact amount, hand it to them and tell them that’s it, that’s all – because something you think you NEED, you really don’t. When it comes down to it, having a card that I can just swipe makes all those little needs feel necessary, and that much more easily obtainable. While if I have cash, I need to give some thought to what I am literally pouring out of my pocket and hold myself accountable for those purchases. Its still a great idea for those not paper bound people.
I love this. While I’m not afraid of cash, I don’t like carrying it around because a) I’ll spend it; and b) I ride public transportation, etc. That said, I will only use cash at gas stations. Card skimmers are all too big a problem.
Now I just need to train myself to ‘write it down.” :-)
Thank you for such a beautiful printable! This is brilliant!
Love this! They would be so easy to slip into my wallet and fill out as I go. Replace the cash in the cash sleeve lol.
This does work and we managed to save 6000.00 since Oct —- and not going without . Its all about what you need from all you want . We also get paid once a month btw I hated the idea and it was hard the first month but it actually helped us budget so much easier .
Absolutely helpful. I was looking for something like this. Can’t wait to implement the budget plan.
These look great, but how do I print them? I clicked on Budget Printables, then clicked on Cashless Printables (at the top), but nothing printable came up. Thank you!
Thanks so much for sharing. These are also.
Do you have something the same for being able to record savings?
This is such a great idea! I love the idea of a cashless cash envelope system! Looking forward to sharing this idea with others.
Thank you! I have been wanting to make something like this for a while to keep track of our spending, but didn’t have the computer patience to crank it out! Now I don’t have an excuse to follow my budget ;)
Love this – thank you! I also do not like carrying cash and use my debit card for everything!!