It’s that time of year again – time to make New Year’s resolutions. I shared a kids year in review/resolutions a week or so ago and now it’s time for YOU. With the year ending, it’s the perfect time to reflect and to make goals for 2015.
It’s pretty simple and straight forward but I shared a few years ago why I broke it down into these sections. I love the idea of want, need, wear, read that my friend Danyelle posted about for Christmas and thought it was a fun and different way to start the new year.
Cute banner from the Bees Knees Shoppe
Come on 2015- we got this!!
I haven’t filled out the sheet yet because I’m still thinking about my one word. I loved looking back on the one I filled in last year. I have to say – I accomplished some of the things I set out to do. And 2014 turned out to be a year that BRAVE was the perfect word. I made lots of decisions, stepped out of my comfort zone, and had tough times to work through. So the pressure is on for my word this year!
Download this free New Year’s printable. For personal use only. Thanks!
You can download the kids version here:
and to see the versions from the past years:
I’ll have a few more ideas to help ring in the new year!
We always use your New Years printable’s to start our year right. Thank you!
Thanks so much for these printables. I used them last year and am excited to do it again now. I really appreciate your creativity and generosity in sharing them.
I love this idea so much! I have used it for the past 2 years and have shared it on my website:
Thanks so much for doing this each year – we only started them last year and I was so happy to find updates again today. Much love to you and yours in 2015
Melody, Cape Town, South Africa
Thank you, Mique! <3
I can’t wait to print this out, for me and my bestie ^_^ I so need this up in my house to remind me of what I want to achieve next year
Word: PERSISTENCE!!! (Next year is going to be about me always trying, no matter how hard my goal seem to be. Persistence is KEY for me!)
Want: To be completely and blissfully HAPPY in all aspects of life, To be a better mum and wife, to be fit and healthy (And to be able to run around after my kids easier), to have a better relationship with God like how I use to.
Need: To lose a decent amount of weight (I managed to finally lose 14kgs in the 2nd half of this year WOO HOO!! But it wasn’t quite the amount I had set myself at the start. Next year is going to be DIFFERENT now I know what I need to do ;) ), To find different strategies when dealing with my kids, finish sorting out house, find an exercise routine that works for ME, have a better routine for my kids, regularly build on my relationship with the savior, and to teach my kids better about him.
Share: Where ever and whenever I can :) My new calling from God towards the end of this year was generosity, so i am going to keep building on it. Whether it was time, gifts, money, a helping hand or a listening ear, I believe it is my mission from God to do so and to share his love with others by doing this :)
Succeed: In getting to 70kgs/ size 14-16 (Or my pre wedding clothes! ;) ), to be totally wheat/grain/sugar free and low carb, to get my kids onto paleo for the sake of their health, to spend more time with my kids, to be almost FB free lol! (I did actually delete it most of this year. Was the best thing I did however I am back and addicted to it again :/ ) to have a smoother running household, regular DATE NIGHTS!!! To have a love so powerful for God it radiates from me where ever I go ;)
Yeah…. I have a pretty thought out year for next year hahaha!
I think clearly defining a New Years Resolution in the form of writing it down makes all the difference in the world. Thanks for the lovely printable. As for my one word, it would have to be either “consistency,” or “progress.”
You know those “aha” moments, the ones when you at once know that you’re heading in the right direction? Well, reading this post just now was an “aha” moment for me. As I was driving into work this morning, the myriad of thoughts in my head merged into a single direction – What do I want to change in my life, do with my life, in the coming new year? The answer came quickly – to live each day with intent and purpose. As I was checking my emails and browsing Pinterest before starting work, I found this pin on a board belonging to Amy at The Idea Room, and clicked through to come to your post! I believe that God speaks to us, guides us, in so many different ways…thank you for your part in His speaking to me. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!!
What a great comment to wake up to this morning. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave it Dawn! I love Amy rom the Idea Room. She is a dear friend. I absolutely believe that God speaks to us and guides us in all kinds of ways. Sometimes guidance comes in completely unexpected ways. ;) I hope that you are able to live each day with intent and purpose. That is a fantastic goal. Best wishes to you in the new year and Merry Christmas!
Great printable!
Thanks Amy! xoxo