If your family is into science activities, learn how to make slime! Bookmark this post to refer back to every slime recipe you could ever want.
Slime has been around for a long time. In fact, my oldest (who is now 18!!) has loved it forever. We used to buy slime in jars when he was little. But in the last year or so there has been a slime explosion. And a slime recipe for everything you can think of. Let’s start with the basics …
What is slime?
It’s kind of hard to define without some big sciency terms. It’s a sticky substance that’s not a liquid or a solid. That’s what makes it so much fun to play with. It comes together when two things interact, usually glue and something containing boric acid like contact lens solution.
How to make slime
I think the reason that slime has become such a big deal is that it’s easy to make. It doesn’t take much time at all and for just a little bit of money your family can have fun for hours. I’ve seen little girls play with slime all.day.long while at baseball tournaments.
So how do you make it? See each individual slime recipe below.
What tools do you need to make slime?
Obviously the tools you use depend on the type of slime that you are making. But there are some common ingredients that you can have on hand to use for slime recipes across the board.
- Elmer’s glue — you can get a huge one!
- food coloring (this is one we used but I ordered this one too)
- foam shaving cream
- saline solution
- Clear glue– I got the huge one, you can get small bottles too but if you plan on making a lot, it’s worth it to get the big one
- Starch
- Poly fil balls – good for floam!
- Containers
- baking soda
- baby oil
My fluffy slime recipe has turned into the most viewed post in the last year. It’s pretty mind blowing really. Considering all of the recipes, printables, organization and more that I come up with.. slime. Who knew?
Pretty straight forward. This post gives you a slime recipe that can be used over and over again!
When the new Emoji Movie was coming out, I thought it’d be fun to make a different kind of slime. So many kids love emojis and this slime recipe is easy to make. Super fun!
You know I love getting ready for the new year. I made this slime recipe to celebrate but it’s so pretty and can be made throughout the year! Using a few different ingredients, you can make some fancy slime.
This isn’t called slime but it’s kinda the same thing. I like the texture of it with the little styro balls. You have to give it a try!
I’ve shared a few of our favorite types but here’s a list of more to try out. Pretty much every type of slime recipe you’d ever want to try:
- Fluffy Unicorn Slime by Living Locurto
- Rainbow Explosion Slime from Momdot
- Ocean Slime by Schooling a Monkey
- Stretchy Slime from Little Bins for Little Hands
- Cotton Candy Slime by Savvy Naturalista
- Glow in the Dark Slime from Danya Banya
- Magnetic Slime by Growing a Jeweled Rose
- Color Changing Slime from Left Brain Craft Brain
- Edible Chocolate Slime by the Soccer Mom