How to do laundry – teach your kids, get a refresher or help your significant other with this straight forward printable!
*This post and printable was updated on February 2, 2021.
How to Do Laundry
It’s no secret that laundry has been our arch nemesis around here. I’ve posted about it a whole bunch of times in the past, always in the effort to make it easier, more efficient, etc. It’s time to get serious about our routines and making our house run smoother. Today let’s chat about teaching your kids how to do laundry.
My kids do so much better with a visual chart, something that they can refer to, when doing chores or things around our home. I came up with a little card that I laminated for them to teach them how to do the laundry properly. (This also might be helpful for Josh… shhhhhh….)
This printable is pretty straight forward — we have three laundry bins that sit in the hallway of our loft upstairs. They have different colors – white for the whites, a minty color for the colors and navy for the darks. They are expected to sort the clothes from their rooms into those sections.
Other Laundry Posts:
If you love this how to do laundry post, you’re going to love these other laundry posts. Please click each link below to find the information about laundry:
- Laundry Tips from Someone Who Knows What NOT to Do
- 5 Laundry Systems That Work!
- 10 Laundry Tips You Haven’t Heard Before
- 6 Laundry Rooms That Will Blow Your Mind
How to Wash Clothes
I made this chart for them that matches those baskets (but it’s not necessary to success in this!). The chart explains what settings to put the clothes in. I have showed them which detergents and softeners to use, and where they go. We’ve talked about not filling up the washing machine too full, but also not just throwing in a few things and wasting water. Our washer and dryer have a lot of settings so I’ve gone over those as well. But every washer is different— so if you teach your kids, make sure to go over your appliances specific settings.
After washing, the clothes need to be put in the dryer. There are some exceptions to that as delicates might need to be laid out to dry or hung on hangers. When clothes are taken out of the dryer, they need to be folded or hung up.
For my “how to do the laundry” printable, I ran it through the laminator to have it stay sturdy and refer to often.
You can download your own copy and get to work teaching your kids too.
Get the new, updated laundry printable set here. For personal use only.
I love your printables, but hoping they can be editable so each person can suit it to their household
Hi Nancy – I’m glad you love my printables. I have a little shop that you can purchase editable versions from if you’re interested!
I love the printable. Or just doesn’t work for our family. We only sort into whites and darks and we wash our darks in cold. Love the idea!
never understood these moms who have to do it all… of course your kids can do laundry! and they don’t have to be teens either….3 and 4 year olds can learn to sort socks and if you make a t-shirt folder (or buy one) they can fold t-shirts too. my kids do laundry. they don’t like it, but they have had to learn…they are dirty clothes factories!! kids can do dishes too… give them chores, it is important