House chores – use this fun, colorful printable to tackle tasks in a minute or less.
Chores Meaning
Simply put, chores are: the regular or daily light housework of a household. Most often, kids think of chores as jobs they have to do around the house. This will vary greatly from family to family. The purpose behind doing chores will also vary by family. Some parents feel their children should do chores as a part of being a family. Others have their kids do chores as punishment. Everyone has a different way and no one is “right” or “wrong.”
Part of the issue with chores, is that they seem daunting. Not only for kids but for adults too. Unless you’ve been taught, house chores can seem overwhelming. I created this list to show that there are at least thirty tasks that can be done in a minute or less. But really there are a lot more than listed in this list. It can be used in the following ways:
- Print out and laminate (you know I can’t resist a reason to use my laminator!), display on your fridge or somewhere easily seen to encourage throughout the day. Use a dry erase marker to check each item off.
- If kids complain that they are bored , give them the option to do some of these tasks
- Use these chores to teach your kids the value of hard work. And that not everything is overwhelming! They’ll gain confidence and appreciate clean spaces more. In theory.
- This list can also be used to earn a little extra money or reward
DOWNLOAD THIS PRINTABLE. For personal use only.
Chore List for Kids
One of my big concerns as a mom is that my kids are ready to fly my coop when the time comes (one has already flown my nest with another close behind!!). I’ve shared lots of posts over the years on how to teach your kids to do chores of all kinds and learn practical life skills. Here are some good posts to check out:
- Guidelines for Practical Life Skills
- Teach Your Kids How to Do the Laundry
- How to Clean Your Room
- Clean the Bathroom
- Clean the Kitchen
- Job Cards
- Teach Kids How to Iron
Other Chores Posts
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