If you’re in need for some spring break ideas while you stay in, I’ve got a whole list to try! From star gazing to experiments, making a flip book and more, try these out:
Typically for spring break my family heads somewhere and often times it involves baseball. This year with staying at home, we need to get a little creative. We’ve burned through some ideas over the last few weeks and we’ve spent a lot of time in our pajamas. To switch things up, I created a printable bucket list. (get below)
Family Spring Break Ideas
Here are some ideas that your family will have fun with while staying in:
- Create a time capsule
- Make calm down jars/bottles
- Have a movie marathon: print out these lists and check them off!
80s movies
or 90s movies
or Kid Movies - Play games:
–Chase the Ace - Backyard Camping – set up everything outside in your backyard:
– Make s’mores in a bag
-Play Camping BINGO or Backyard BINGO - Have a dance party – use Alexa or Google Home to play different songs
- Picnic on the floor
- Bubble boredom busters
- Yard games
- Paper airplanes
- Random Acts of Kindness
- Indoor Scavenger Hunt
- Letters to friends/family – use my activities binder and print out letters to send!
- Paint rocks
- Make a flip book
- BINGO – there are lots of BINGO cards out there to play. Try this latest community helpers version.
- Muffin tin lunch
- Backyard obstacles
- Bubble blower
- Yes day!
Choose a yes day for each child. They get to pick what they want to do (within reason) and you say YES! all day long. - Build a pillow/blanket fort
- Play an outdoor movie
- Stargaze
- Create stop motion movies
- Bake cookies – these chocolate chip cookies are the best!
- Science experiments
- Watch a sunset
- Spray chalk art
Want more ideas for what to do indoors with preschoolers? Kids? Teens?
And check out this Good Netflix Shows for Teens too.
Spring Break Ideas for Families
The possibilities are endless of what you can do at home! Because of this, I created a printable that is already filled in (with info of what to do above) and a blank one that your family can decide how to fill it in.
Download this spring break stay in bucket list. For personal use only.